• Buying is easy. Choose the buying method that suits you best.
  • You can buy online, by email or by telephone.
  • To buy online:
Simply click the green “add to cart” button on the product that you want to buy. You can add as many products as you like and when you are finished shopping then you simply click the grey “Checkout” button. You will then asked to enter your details such as your name, shipping address and payment method. You simply need to enter the details that you are prompted for and you will be guided through this process until your order is complete.
  • To buy by email:
Simply email info@freezedryercompany.com with the items that you would like to order, and your delivery address and contact number. We will then email you an invoice and payment information.
  • To buy by telephone:
Simply phone +1 (239) 748-0614 and we will record and process your order for you.